
Cranbrook, BC… As the final few days of EKFH’s Starlite Campaign wind down, Chris Thom, Owner of Rocky Mountain Diesel & Collision presents a $10,000 to the regional hospital foundation.

The donation is made on behalf of the company’s patrons and staff as part of RMD’s ongoing holiday thank you program. Incredibly Rocky Mountain Diesel & Collision and the Thom family have donated over $75,000 to various areas of health care since 2005. This year the gift is dedicated to assist EKFH in its fundraising efforts for equipment for the new 6-bed intensive care unit presently under construction at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.

“The thanks for making such a contribution to EKFH really belong to our customers and staff. We are grateful for their business and support which allows us to give back to our community,” explains Chris Thom.

A gift of any size makes an impact in the quality of health care in the East Kootenay.

Your ICU needs you. To show your support consider making a donation today, visit

Cranbrook, BC…. It’s become a tradition for almost a decade, the gesture of saying thanks to their staff and customers by illuminating stars at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital. Rocky Mountain Diesel and Collision and the Thom family have been a part of EKFH’s Starlite Campaign since the beginning. Over the years, their financial gifts have supported many facets of health care in the East Kootenay including medical equipment and patient comforts for hospitals; residential care facilities and community programs (occupational therapy, speech therapy and more). It has been a relationship with EKFH that has truly strengthened the quality of care in every community in the region.

“There are no words to describe how you feel when you meet the people first hand that are providing the services to patients that use the equipment we have helped to purchase,” shares Chris Thom, owner at Rocky Mountain Diesel & Collision. “Last year we were able to fund a neuro-bungee jumper and some audiology items for the community therapy programs. Seeing it in use left a huge impact as to what our thank you really means.”

This year the collision side of RMD is focusing on their annual fundraiser Crashed Cars for the ICU. A simple and heartfelt thank you note is left inside every vehicle that Rocky Mountain repairs advising them of their gift. The $10,000 donation is being directed to support EKFH’s fundraising effort not just for the Starlite Campaign but also for the larger capital campaign for equipment for the new 6-bed ICU currently under construction at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital.

For the first time in the history of the Starlite Campaign, the star makers (old and new) will introduce a series of smaller stars. EKFH is thrilled that Rocky Mountain Diesel and Collision will be the first to light those stars. In recognition of their gift, one large star and two smaller stars will shine in honour of RMD’s contribution.

Donna Grainger, EKFH Executive Director, “This is so exciting to be introducing the next set of stars with RMD. Chris and his family were the first to complete the lighting of all the stars several years ago and now their legacy continues to keep the Starlite Campaign expanding.”

It is fitting that large and small stars are combining in the gift. A gift to the ICU capital campaign plays a significant role not just for the intensive care unit but with EKFH taking on the equipment fundraising the funds previously allocated by the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District have been rededicated to improvements and enhancements for the EKRH neo-natal/maternity and pediatric unit. For RMD the large star represents all those adults and the smaller stars the children who benefit from having the best in care at the regional hospital.

Rocky Mountain Diesel and Collision, critical support for intensive care and always a star in giving back. To make a donation to the Starlite Campaign go on-line at

This businessman embraces his community
by Danielle Cameron

Headshot photo of Chris Thom. Chris Thom is proud of his Cranbrook roots, and his quality business.— Photo courtesy Chris Thom
Chris Thom is the CEO and manager of Rocky Mountain Diesel Ltd. Collision Repair Centre in Cranbrook’s industrial park. He was born and raised in the community, and has been living there for 34 years. We asked him a few questions and he took the time to tell us what he loves about living in Cranbrook.

What made you decide to do business in town?
I come from a family of local business people. My parents, and several of my aunts and uncles, own or have owned small businesses in Cranbrook. My wife’s parents and several of her relatives have also owned businesses in Cranbrook. Three years ago my wife and I took over my parents’ company. It was a difficult decision based on many factors but we haven’t looked back. We are so thankful to have had this opportunity.

What do you like most about our community?
I personally enjoy the small-town atmosphere. Clients of our company have also become friends. This leads to relationships which are not all business—our customers rely on us, but we also rely on them. It really becomes more of a partnership, businesses helping businesses.

Do you have any business projects or developments planned for the future?
In April of 2010 we completed a major expansion, adding an automotive and commercial vehicle body shop to our company. This was an 8,000-square-foot addition to our 15,000-square-foot facility. To date we have added eight full-time positions and are currently seeking some additional staff. I am extremely proud of this facility and very excited that it has opened up a new market for us. As for the future, we will continue to look for opportunities to grow and diversify our company.

What kind of leisure/recreational activities do you enjoy when you are not working?
During the winter months we enjoy skiing as a family. We are so lucky to live in a region that offers so many outdoor opportunities.

What would you say to other business people who are thinking of moving to Cranbrook?
I find the business climate in Cranbrook to be extremely supportive. Our chamber of commerce is a strong advocate in the region. We also have organizations such as the Downtown Business Association—they are doing wonderful things to support local business and have implemented some very strong shop-local initiatives.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?
Cranbrook and the East Kootenay region as a whole in my mind is probably the most beautiful place on the planet. We have access to many big-city amenities, and yet we have retained our small-town feel. Cranbrook is a fabulous place to raise a family, and we have some of the world’s most sought-after outdoor recreation—most of it within 30 minutes of our front door.

Chris Thom fronts Rocky Mountain Diesel, a company that is standing out from the crowd
by Glynis Fediuk

Truck being painted
Adding a paint booth to their facility allows Rocky Mountain Diesel to better serve customers.
— Kris Lindblad photo
Looking for the largest automotive paint booth in the Kootenays? It’s located at Cranbrook’s Rocky Mountain Diesel. How about the only commercial body shop between Kelowna and Lethbridge? That’s also found at Rocky Mountain Diesel—as is the largest commercial frame-straightening machine in the Kootenays. It’s obvious from speaking to president and owner Chris Thom that his company has found a niche in the Kootenay automotive industry.

Founded by Thom’s father and uncle in 1981, Rocky Mountain Diesel has remained a family-owned company for nearly 30 years. In 1989, the company moved to its current location at 1125 Cobham Avenue West. Thom’s father and mother took over the business in 1993.

Thom’s involvement in the company started in his youth with odd jobs, such as sweeping floors and emptying garbage. He’s had a hand in many different areas of the company, from mechanical jobs such as welding to administrative ones, including warranty administrator and a five-year period as parts manager. He and his wife took over the company on December 1st of 2008.

On November 4th of 2009, Rocky Mountain Diesel began working on its latest expansion, consisting of a new 697-square- metre facility, a downdraft paint booth and a frame-straightening machine. This isn’t the first significant change the company has undergone—464 square metres were added to the facility in 1991. However, these latest additions will help the business build on the many client relations it has built up over three decades, as well as helping to forge new ones.

Thom said that the difficulties in getting commercial work done locally necessitated the type of facilities now found at Rocky Mountain Diesel. Rather than shipping parts to Lethbridge for painting, his staff is now able to get vehicles back on the road in a matter of weeks, not months.

“In moving forward, we were responding to customer needs,” said Thom. “A commercial vehicle (is) their livelihood; they don’t want to have it in the shop for months—they want to get it out as soon as possible and get it back to work, and continue to make the payments. We had to really shorten that time down for people and . . . try to keep our customers on the road where they can make some money.”

Thom said that the many contractors involved in the expansion rose to the challenge of the demanding schedule admirably. Business support also comes from Thom’s wife and parents, both of whom are still involved with the company.

The recent changes, the strong group of employees and the dedication to its customers make it clear that Rocky Mountain Diesel will continue to prosper. Thom said he’s anticipating a bright future, including an increase in the number of employees from the current 26 to around 40 within the next year.

“We’re (excited about) moving forward and supporting the local economies,” Thom said, “and doing what we need to do so that everyone can be successful.”

Story originally posted at:

The Starlite Campaign for Excellence in Health Care lights up its 10th star as part of an early Christmas present from Rocky Mountain Diesel’s Chris Thom. Recognizing their customers and staff with a gift to health care has become a standing tradition for the truck and collision repair centre.

Last year Rocky Mountain Diesel was also the organization who made Starlite history by lighting the 17th star of the annual fundraising campaign.

Changing things up a bit this year, Chris decided to light a star just before Christmas and choose one of their recent customers and local celebrity Loree Duczek to share in the honour.

“I chose Rocky Mountain Diesel Collision Repair Centre because of their reputation for excellence. From customer service to quality workmanship, my experience with their team was exceptional from beginning to end. I will continue to support them and recommend them to others not only because of the work they do, but also because of their commitment to this community. Small business is the heart of our community and Rocky Mountain Diesel Collision Repair Centre is an example of a business that cares. Thank you to Chris, Jason and the RMD team for supporting the Starlite campaign and for being part of the effort to bring a digital stereotactic mammography unit to Cranbrook. Your generosity is appreciated. I am proud to support a business that truly supports this community,” explained Loree.

Rocky Mountain Diesel is focused on lighting another star in the New Year with a portion of their proceeds coming from repairs down through their collision repair centre. The business a proud partner of East Kootenay Foundation for Health and the Starlite campaign.

Above photo L-R: Jason Thom (Body Shop Manager), Loree Duczek (RMD Customer) and Chris Thom (Owner)

Donna Grainger, Executive Director
East Kootenay Foundation for Health

Story originally posted at:

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